Title One

teacher with students
group picture with cat in the hat
students and teachers

Mountainside Intermediate School is committed to providing a quality education for your child. As you know, successful schools are the result of families and school staff working together. Our school receives Title I federal grant money that supplements our school budget. This money allows us to better meet the diverse needs of our students. As a Title I school we are required to have a written compact. 

A compact is a voluntary agreement among groups of people that firmly unites them. We would like to establish such a partnership for your child and all the students at Mountainside Intermediate School. 

On the left, there is a link to the Title I compact. Please read, sign and discuss it with your student. Please leave one copy here at school and keep the other one home and display it in a prominent place and refer to it often.

This act of partnership is one more step toward our goal of successfully meeting the needs of your child. Thank you for your continued support. 

Danielle Nutting, Principal

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